People issues, difficulties, barriers and obstacles deplete organisations.
Conflict and interpersonal strain causes….
When previous attempts in management or HR procedures haven’t worked….
….Psychology Coaching can be the specialism that is required to save you and your organisation from further difficulty and drain of resources.
Why James?
Through years of working first hand with people and learning about human function – the patterns of how things work, or don’t work, become more apparent.
Beliefs, values, attitudes, past experiences, future goals, personal schemas and mental strategies are some of the core elements which drive our behaviours and make up our individual experience of the world.
About conflict….
It is when individual positions contrast and compete that we find conflict.
In having a clear understanding of the elements which underpin these individual positions, and in being able to highlight them and see them more clearly for what they are, we can make a big difference within situations.
It is wholly possible to successfully resolve differences which may have been entrenched for years or which have built up to a persistently difficult and problematic extent. Even if a situation seems ‘too far gone’, trust me, resolution is possible. And this can make a huge difference when compared to the potential cost and disruption of options such as dismissal or tribunal.