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Psychology Approaches & Philosophy

Psychology Approaches


Any one singular modality in the field of Psychology will have it’s limitations.


Each person and their individual track in life will be unique. No one theory, therapy or technique will work for everyone. In my experience, Psychology support needs to be just as flexible as people are in order to best adapt to the needs and ways of each individual.


So I have spent much time over the years broadening my perspectives, knowledge and understanding in order to attend to this.


From progressive contemporary techniques such as IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy) and Neuro-Linguistics, to classical talking therapies, to the ancient wisdom and traditions of India and Peru – I have travelled, studied and invested in learning all that I can about our inner workings and this human system that we have….


I have learned some pretty fascinating things along the way! ?


Being able to share any and all of this learning and to apply it effectively, assisting people and situations is what I do best. It is something that I love to do. I find it a very worthwhile thing to do.


My Philosophy


As a Coach, I don’t narrow down my field of clientele in any way. I feel it is fair to offer assessment and consultation to every person and situation. Whether it be on a personal or interpersonal level; within relationship, social or work situations. Whether the focus is on learning to resolve and move forward from difficulties, or whether it is in improving one’s situation through positive coaching for personal development. Through effective communication, open understanding and respect, I work with individuals to shed light on any problem.


We then share the skills, tools and techniques available to highlight any solutions that you may want and need.


Anxiety, stress, low mood or motivation and phobias are common issues. Conflict in work and personal life is not rare. Many times these ongoing aggravations can be reduced and overcome. Negative habits around sleep, diet, weight, smoking and exercise are also areas where I can help create lasting change and improvement.


What I love to see is how we can take hold of our brain as a tool for learning and development in order to make the life that we lead as rewarding to us as possible!


It is a great thing to have satisfaction and desire for our own path, no matter how simple or how grand we may wish that to be.


When events and emotional or mental obstacles create barriers to being able to enjoy our place in life it is difficult, and it is unfortunate to be stuck having to cope or suffer.


Having the freedom to feel that you have choice in life is a priceless liberation; knowing you can develop the abilities needed to pursue what you want from life is a great gift; finding assistance to gain freedom from difficulty and build happiness, health and fulfilment is a worthwhile endeavour.

Straightforward - Positive - Effective - Uplifting - Empowering


Each of the techniques that I have trained in and developed can be fantastically effective in themselves. Most often though we will mix and blend make the best possible use of all of the approaches combined.

Whatever is the best and most suitable and effective way to get from having a difficulty or limitation to a preferred and improved position instead


Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) is a developing area of rapid change work that explores the area of undesired emotions and ways of being

Practitioners consistently report that IEMT has created change in their clients where no other approach has worked previously.

IEMT is a proposed brief therapy and an evolving field that enables a core state change in minimal time. Specifically in my experience PTSD, Anxiety, Phobias, Guilt, Shame, and other strong emotional reactions which a person may feel stuck with and powerless against – Can be relieved and assisted to great effect using IEMT


You can find more information here


Coaching, relating to the original French word ‘Coach’, meaning – A vehicle for getting people and things from one place to another.

Coaching approaches look to actively assist individuals to transition from a position of being stuck and having a problem or obstacle, to being clear of it and being in a better place instead.

Proactive education and direct application of knowledge & strategies can be exactly what is required sometimes.

Cognitive Behavioural & Counselling Techniques

Though I’m not a certified Cognitive Behavioural Therapist or Counsellor or Psychotherapist, as I chose specifically to pursue a broader range of approaches rather than any singular specialism, I do though have a firm understanding of the value, merits and uses of these talking therapy approaches.

Years of professional mental health work within the NHS and many many hours of face-to-face direct client work bring a substantial grounding in successful therapy through discussion and conversation. This experience and these techniques weave their way through the client process naturally and to great effect 🙂

Metaphor Work

This is the effective and efficient use of Metaphor within therapy, coaching and training.

Refined awareness and effective use of metaphor is such a powerful source of insight and a major tool for profound change within therapy, coaching and training.

Metaphors are the fundamental building blocks of how we think and communicate. When someone tells you that, ‘It’s like I’m banging my head against a brick wall…..’, There is a hell of a lot that they are communicating about the situation they face and how capable they feel within it. Much can be done with this.

Metaphor work is powerful and extremely useful 🙂

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

There are many different forms and uses of NLP.

Simply – I find it to be a very very useful knowledge set which gives us some fantastic capacities for choice and awareness in relation to how we make sense of the world, and how we act and communicate within it.

The perspectives, tools and techniques of NLP have led to some of the most profound and positively effective client experiences that I have had the pleasure to share in.

'Parts' Processes

I initially learned of ‘Parts’Processes in NLP. Since then they have grown to be some of the most astoundingly effective forms of change work that I have seen with clients for achieving deep and lasting change.

The processes allow us to gain very clear core insights into what is going on within a problem. From seeing things clear in these ways, we can then choose exactly what to do about them.

Hypnotherapy & Trance Work

To keep it simple, I will just say that from direct experience and from much use with groups and individuals – This stuff works.

These forms of practice allow us to good use of the sub-conscious minds abilities, and it is a very powerful tool to make use of 🙂

From modern scientific western understandings of hypnosis and the effective  therapeutic use of different brain activity states, to the understandings of the Yogic traditions and Yoga Nidra – There are really useful and often very satisfying ways of taking advantage of the capabilities of the brain for relief, development and improvement.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or queries 🙂

Yoga & Exercise

“If there was a pill as good for balancing diabetes, curing high blood pressure, preventing heart disease, alleviating stress and relieving depression & anxiety as exercise is….  It would be the most expensive pill on the planet.”

Yoga began for me as a way of doing some exercise at home when I didn’t have time to get out doing other things. When I went to India to study it, it grew and grew!

Firstly in the appreciation for what a complete and intuitive system of exercise it is. Mostly though, coming to understand how much the Yogi’s understand about this brain – body system that we have. It is truly impressive. Those guys know things! 🙂

If a client may benefit from sharing in these things and coming to experience these benefits then I will happily offer them forwards. Much can be enhanced by the different elements of Yogic approaches. From the physical, to the mental, to breathing and meditative practices. Whatever works, works. Where it is appropriate and welcome, this stuff can certainly be life enhancing.

Also, I’ve come to see clearly that some of these benefits are not limited only to Yoga as a physical practice. Many forms of exercise can lead to the exact same improvements in body, mind, energy and spirit. Where I can share understanding of this to your benefit I’m happy to 🙂

Mindfulness Training

Mindfulness as a concept has become more and more popular over recent years. It definitely can play an important, effective and beneficial role in gaining relief, stability and control within whatever situations are around us. And the many many potential benefits for increased energy, creativity and health are widely noted!

Mindfulness is essentially a condensed version of Yogic approaches to mind balancing. Having trained in Yoga for over 500 hours in India, as well as many hours of self practice and also teaching, I understand mindfulness very well 🙂

There are many approaches and techniques available to assist in developing and coming to make great use of this empowering skill.

Contact me today to see how I can help you achieve your goals

Qualifications & Core Practices

BSc (Hons), Adv Dip, NLP Prac, IEMT Adv. Prac.

Psychology Consultant

NLP Practitioner

Presentations & Training

Advanced Integral Eye Movement Therapist

Coach & Trainer

Business and employee support

Yoga Instructor

Performance Coaching

Personal Mentor

James is tough. Ha! He focuses on doing things right and looking after our bodies but also continuously brings new things to test us. I love the challenges and seeing the progress we make. And the Yoga workshop days are great. It's just so wonderful to indulge in a full day of treating yourself, learning and relaxing. Couldn't recommend James enough!
Yoga Student
Love James's classes!! ? My friend and I have been coming to James's Yoga for over 2 years now and every week we love it.
Yoga student
Professional, genuine and knows his stuff. James has been invaluable in helping me through a situation which would certainly have gotten a whole lot worse had it gone on much further. So glad that I took the steps in taking his help.
Business Owner
James never fails to fascinate me! Every meeting we have I come away with fresh ideas and fantastic perspectives that I had never even considered before. James has been of great use to me and my staff.
Chief Executive
The whole process was relaxing and quite surreal. There is nothing scary or to be fearful of. I still can’t believe that the negative emotions and physiological responses that I have been living with for the past 10 years have disappeared.
Individual Client
Working with James has been amazing. It has enabled me to regain control of my life. James quickly made me feel at ease. From our first session I have been so much happier. The results have stunned my family.
Individual Client